Spike Jonze's film rendition of Maurice Saudek's Where The Wild Things Are was quite easily the most anticipated animation and remake of a children's story EVER (then again it is a beloved story) and the pre-movie merchandising has been incredible. I loooooove http://weloveyouso.com a blog where the makers of the film has "shed some light on many of the small influences that have converged to make this massive project a reality." It's wonderful - inspiring in fact and rather cheeky. . .just like the story.
a Carol sandwich (image borrowed from http://weloveyouso.com)
There was a post on the lovely Olympia le Tan and her "Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover Collection" - that's how I stumbled upon this blog . . .
Some book covers/bags from Olympia
Hitting on her link opened the doors to another world for me - where so much love and collaboration went into making this movie possible.
I absolutely cannot wait to watch it - I wonder when the Wild Things will come visit us here in Bankgok . . .very very soon I hope.